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I swear I could have gotten a PhD. in math if I were to do this much research in school> Bruh141 (core developer)

Math Macros

First things first Macros. Every good library has them.

#define SML_IS_UNSIGNED(x) ((x) >= 0)

Checks if x is an unsigned integer.

#define SML_IS_ODD(x) ((x) % 2 != 0)

Checks if x is an odd integer.

#define SML_IS_EVEN(x) ((x) % 2 == 0)

Checks if x is an even integer.

#define SML_GET_FLOAT_OF_FLOATING(x) ((x) - (int)(x))

Extracts the fractional part of a floating-point number x.

#define SML_GET_WHOLE_OF_FLOATING(x) ((int)(x))

Extracts the whole part of a floating-point number x.

#define SML_IS_NUMBER(x) ((x) - (int)(x) == 0)

Checks if a number is well a number

Math Types


typedef struct sml_math_t {
    long double value;
    long double degree;
    double value;
    double degree; // ie. root of val
    sml_num_type type; // ie. sqrt/imaginary or not
    bool is_imaginary; // I mean it can be sqrt(-1) so its both a sqrt and imaginary
    struct sml_math_t *related; // this is for adding ie. 3sqrt(5) or i5 + 3
} sml_math_t;


typedef enum {
_int = 0, _float, _irrational, _imaginary, _degree, _radian, _gradian
} sml_num_type;

Last Updated: Oct 20, 2023