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Hi :D and welcome to SML-lib where smallSmol we do things to help you code better.

Before convincing you to use this library We want to tell you why C can still be utilized as a modern languageIt's not perfect tho.

Why C?

Simplicity and Control:

C is often favored for its simplicity. It provides a minimalistic and straightforward syntax, making it easier to understand and maintain. This simplicity gives you greater control over your code, allowing you to manage memory and resources directly.


C code is highly portable, making it an excellent choice for low-level system programming. C code can be easily compiled and run on various platforms without many modifications, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of hardware and operating systems.


C is often more efficient than C++If you use C/Cpp or even Rust poorly, even pure Python will outperform it in terms of code execution speed and memory usage. This can be crucial in scenarios where every resource counts, such as embedded systems or real-time applications.

Small Footprint:

C programs tend to have a smaller memory footprint compared to C++ due to the absence of certain C++ features like runtime type information and dynamic dispatch. This makes C a better choice for environments with limited memory.

No OOP Overhead:

C++, Java, C# … brings object-oriented programming (OOP) features that are not always needed in every project. If your project doesn’t require classes and inheritance, avoiding the overhead of these features by using Cor any functional/procedural/array-based language can be more efficient.

“Make it work, make it right, make it fast. ”

OOPObject Oriented Programming or not to PFunctional Programming this is the question for most programmers who are starting out in their journey. And today’s tech influences are not doing them a favor. In the end it’s not about the language or the framework, it’s about getting stuffsh*t done and making it fast. If you are conformable with Java and you are getting paid, more power to you. But if you need the edge over your peers here is the way.

Why SML-lib?

  • Easy to understand source code.
  • What You Need Is What You Get (WIP)
  • Compiler agnostic.
  • Open source.
  • Has awesomerobust documentation. (WIPYou can help it by expanding it :D)
  • It Can easily integrate to other or homegrown libraries because of its modular design.